A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

With only a Discord comment to go by, an off the cuff absurd game suggestion made a reality in less time than it takes to play the game.

For those looking to experience the game, you have short and sweet. Or if you are brave enough, experience the creative intent behind the Discord comment with the Directors Cut.

I hope you enjoy this ludicrous game spun out of an exploration to the new Unity 6 features such as Adaptive Light Probes, HDRP Water, and Physical Visuals such as Skyboxes, Moons, Clouds, and more.


Patience (macOS) 193 MB
Patience (Windows) 195 MB

Install instructions

For install it's fairly straight forward, simply download either Windows or macOS builds. UnZip, and rip it!

For Windows use the .exe

For macOS use the .app file

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